Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Earlier, the Better: Why You’ll Want to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Out as Soon as They Start Bothering You

If you’re in your teens or twenties, you may have noticed that your wisdom teeth have started coming in. Also known as third molars, wisdom teeth start to emerge between the ages of 17 and 25 and are often removed for a variety of reasons. Although they were once useful to early humans, wisdom teeth generally no longer serve a useful purpose and can sometimes cause serious issues if they’re not removed. Here’s why you’ll want to get your wisdom teeth taken out sooner rather than later if they’ve started causing issues for you.
The Earlier, the Better: Why You’ll Want to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Out as Soon as They Start Bothering You

Pericoronitis is a kind of infection that can take root in your gums if you haven’t had your wisdom teeth removed. If your mouth is too small for your wisdom teeth, they may only partially erupt. This can cause your gum tissue to bend into a flap near one or more of your wisdom teeth. This flap is problematic because it creates an area where food and other debris can get caught and start to break down, giving bacteria a foothold in your mouth. Although it’s possible to treat the infection, pericoronitis may return until the wisdom tooth comes in fully. Removing the wisdom tooth is often the best way to prevent infections from returning.

If your wisdom teeth are facing the wrong way, they will come in sideways, backwards or crooked. This can cause you to feel pain, and it may also make proper brushing and flossing difficult. In most cases, your oral surgeon will be able to identify improperly oriented wisdom teeth via x-ray before they erupt. Some wisdom teeth never erupt, so your oral surgeon may decide that a “wait and see” approach is best. If your wisdom teeth are facing the wrong way and have already partially erupted, you’ll want to get them removed immediately.

Jaw sizes vary between people. Some patients have large enough jaws to accommodate fully developed wisdom teeth, while others do not. If you have a small jaw, your mouth may not have enough room for your wisdom teeth. This can cause problems such as pain, infection, and cysts. If this occurs, your dental surgeon will have to remove your wisdom teeth. It’s easiest to remove wisdom teeth as soon as you start noticing problems, which is why if you start having issues with them, you should contact your dental surgeon immediately.
A wisdom tooth extraction tends to be easier before the wisdom tooth is fully developed; the smaller root means the tooth isn’t as firmly attached and will come out easier. Wisdom teeth can also cause serious dental issues if left too long. Although some people never experience issues with their wisdom teeth, it’s critical that you have yours removed if they begin to cause problems. If you think you may need a wisdom tooth extraction, contact Lorton Oral Surgery today for an assessment.The Earlier, the Better: Why You’ll Want to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Out as Soon as They Start Bothering You

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Recent Wisdom Tooth Extraction? Here’s How to Deal with Pain and Swelling

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common dental surgery among teenagers and young adults under the age of 25, meaning most patients recover from wisdom tooth extraction very quickly. In most cases, the only post-surgery issues to address are pain and swelling, which will end within a week. Enduring that week, however, can be unpleasant. Here are a few strategies you can use to put up with the swelling and pain that comes with a wisdom tooth extraction.
Recent Wisdom Tooth Extraction? Here’s How to Deal with Pain and Swelling

It’s normal to experience localized pain for the first two days following your extraction. It’s not uncommon, though, for soreness to persist for up to a week. The anesthetic that you received during your procedure should last until about four hours after your surgery. Your oral surgeon will usually prescribe a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen for pain management. These two painkillers are relatively mild on their own, but when combined they work together to produce a more powerful effect. Always follow your oral surgeon’s instructions when taking painkillers.

After having your wisdom teeth extracted, you can expect to experience some swelling in your cheeks, both inside and out. This swelling is at its worst for the initial two to three days following your surgery, and your cheeks will gradually return to normal after those two days. You may also see some mild bruising. You can reduce the swelling by applying ice packs to your face starting a few hours after your surgery.

Your surgeon will instruct you to avoid brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth, using mouthwash, or spitting for the first 24 hours following your surgery. Once those 24 hours have elapsed, you should do a gentle saltwater mouth rinse once every two hours for one week. Saltwater calms inflammation by pulling moisture out of your mouth and can prevent infection by changing your mouth’s pH level. Dissolve half a teaspoon of table salt in an eight-ounce glass of water and rinse. Always be careful when doing a saltwater rinse – spitting the water out with too much force could dislodge a stitch.
Wisdom tooth extractions can result in some minor pain and swelling for several days. During this time, there are steps you can take to alleviate the pain and calm the swelling. A saltwater rinse is a great way to prevent infection, while ice can control swelling. Mild painkillers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen are great for managing the soreness that often results from wisdom tooth extraction. By taking care of your mouth during your recovery period, you’ll avoid complications and keep the extraction site clean as it heals – which will make your procedure a success.

Recent Wisdom Tooth Extraction? Here’s How to Deal with Pain and Swelling

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Back to School in Lorton: Schedule Your Wisdom Teeth Removal Today and Be Ready for the School Year

If you’re in your teens or early twenties, you may have noticed that your wisdom teeth are starting to come in. Maybe your friends have already had their wisdom teeth removed, or maybe they’re talking about it. If your dentist has told you that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, you should try to make an appointment before the school year starts. Here are a few reasons why you’ll want to schedule your wisdom teeth removal before the school year starts.
Back to School in Lorton: Schedule Your Wisdom Teeth Removal Today and Be Ready for the School Year

Although most people tend to recover from a wisdom tooth extraction in just 48 hours, some people need up to two weeks to fully recover. During this time, you’ll experience some pain and discomfort that can be exacerbated by stress and fatigue. You’ll also want to avoid anything that might cause your blood pressure to increase, as this can make bleeding worse. Having your wisdom teeth out now means that you’ll be fully recovered just in time for school.

The summer months can be lazy and disorganized, and it’s easy for the days to just slip away. Starting a new school year requires establishing a new routine, and recovering from dental surgery will work against this. You’ll likely have to spend a few days at home recovering, during which time homework and lessons can pile up. Getting back into the swing of the school year is enough of a challenge without adding a wisdom tooth extraction into the mix. Do yourself a favor and get your wisdom teeth out now, before your life gets more structured.

After you have your wisdom teeth removed, your oral surgeon will supply you with antibiotics to prevent infections and painkillers to ease the pain. If you’re taking these medications while at school, it can be hard to keep a regular medication schedule when you’re always rushing from one class to the next. If your oral surgeon has prescribed you a particularly strong painkiller, you’ll likely have trouble focusing in class – which isn’t a good start to the school year. Making your appointment for a wisdom tooth extraction now means that you’ll be able to take the painkillers as required for the first few days of your recovery and then return to school ready to learn.
A wisdom tooth extraction can be scary and stressful, and having it done while school is in session can make things challenging for you. If you have your wisdom teeth out before school starts, you’ll be able to start the school year on the right foot and have peace of mind. Contact Lorton Oral Surgery today to schedule your wisdom tooth extraction.

Back to School in Lorton: Schedule Your Wisdom Teeth Removal Today and Be Ready for the School Year

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Did You Know? Your Options for Sedation or Anesthesia During Wisdom Teeth Removal in Lorton

At some point or another, you might find yourself facing a wisdom teeth removal. Known professionally as third molars, most people will notice their wisdom teeth erupting sometime between the ages of 17 and 25 years old. However, many people will never have their wisdom teeth fully develop, and this can cause serious problems in the mouth, including overcrowding.

In order to stop these problems before they start, most oral surgeons will recommend wisdom teeth removal. This is a procedure that can vary due to the complexity of the position of the tooth. Since this is the case, you might have several options for sedation or anesthesia during wisdom teeth removal. Read on to learn more, and if you’re in the Lorton area and in need of wisdom teeth removal you can call Lorton Oral Surgery at (703) 436-4633 to get an appointment booked.

One option that you will have when getting your wisdom teeth removed is local anesthesia. This anesthesia option is best for those who have already had their wisdom teeth erupt, meaning they have already come through the gums. Local anesthesia is administered through an injection directly into the gums and surrounding tissue. This type of anesthesia will not make you sleepy or sedate you. However, it will make the area around the injection numb for several hours. This way, you will not have any discomfort during the procedure, but you also won’t need to be put to sleep.

Another option that you will have when it comes to wisdom teeth removal in Lorton is to try sedation anesthesia. Typically, sedation anesthesia will be given through an intravenous line, or I.V., placed into your arm. You will not be totally ‘out’ with sedation anesthesia, but your consciousness will be suppressed. In addition to sedation anesthesia, you will also be given a local anesthesia in your gums in order to stop any discomfort that might occur during the removal procedure.

Finally, you will have a choice of general anesthesia. This is the anesthesia that is recommended for those who have to get impacted wisdom teeth removed. In order to undergo general anesthesia, you will inhale a blend of medications through your nose and mouth, typically through a mask. You will lose consciousness and while in this unconscious state, the procedure will be done.

You will not feel pain during the procedure and throughout, the oral surgeon and their team will be monitoring the amount of medication you are given, your blood pressure, breathing and temperature. The medication intake will slow, you will wake up and the wisdom teeth extraction will be complete.

As every set of wisdom teeth presents a unique set of circumstances, your oral and maxillofacial surgeon will share their experience about the best option for anesthesia during your procedure. Contact us today at (703) 436-4633 to book a consultation with Dr. Snehal Patel, our resident surgeon who is happy to solve the irritating problems your wisdom teeth are presenting.

Did You Know? Your Options for Sedation or Anesthesia During Wisdom Teeth Removal in Lorton

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Considering Your Options for Wisdom Teeth Removal in Lorton? How Our Team Ensures Your Comfort

For many people, dental issues can be an uncomfortable experience and this is especially true when it comes to problems with their wisdom teeth. When wisdom teeth do not grow in properly, are crooked, or are in a mouth that is too small to accommodate them, a surgical procedure to extract the wisdom teeth is necessary.

For those that are considering wisdom teeth removal, it is extremely important to choose a dental office that knows how to make a patient feel as comfortable and as well taken care of as possible. Below are a few ways that the team here at Lorton Oral Surgery works to ensure your comfort. For more information, give us a call at (703) 436-4633.

At Lorton Oral Surgery we believe in setting a high standard for communication, starting at the first consultation and at every step along the path to your procedure and final recovery period. Whether you’ve had oral surgery in the past or you’re coming in for a procedure for the first time, you can rest assured that everything will be fully explained. In our experience, when an individual is fully aware of what their surgery involves it provides a clear understanding that it generally isn’t as complicated or as painful as it might seem.

Another common reason that some individuals are apprehensive about oral surgery is the worry that some form of mistake will be made during the procedure – and again, you can be assured that you’re in good hands here at Lorton Oral Surgery. Our resident surgeon Dr. Snehal Patel is board-certified by the American Board of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons and was educated at the elite Columbia University Medical Center. Along with the members of his practice team, he has performed hundreds of successful procedures and is ready to assist you with yours.

When you come in for your consultation, our team will share important details about the procedure with you and allow you to ask any questions that you might have. Please feel free to ask about our team’s qualifications so that you can feel confident that you’re placing your dental health in good hands.

Lastly, another way that Lorton Oral Surgery works to make patients feel comfortable and cared for is through good sedation practices. Rather than having to feel pain and discomfort during your procedure, we can make use of sedation dentistry. Sedation ensures that you aren’t left feeling anything during your operation, and afterward you will be supplied with adequate prescription medication to help you along the path to recovery.

If you’re dealing with painful wisdom teeth issues – don’t delay. Contact our offices today at (703) 436-4633 to book a free, no-obligation consultation with the Lorton Oral Surgery team. We’re excited to meet you and welcome you to our family of happy clients. Thanks for visiting!

Considering Your Options for Wisdom Teeth Removal in Lorton? How Our Team Ensures Your Comfort

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Baby on the Way? Your Dental Surgery and Wisdom Teeth Options if You're Pregnant

The hormonal changes associated with pregnancy can affect your body in many ways, and this includes causing wisdom tooth pain. If you are pregnant and you have been told that the cause of your oral pain is your wisdom teeth, you may be wondering if the antibiotics and anesthesia that are used with this type of surgery will have a detrimental impact on your developing baby. You can work with your maxillofacial surgeon in several areas to safely get the dental surgery that you need; contact our offices at (703) 436-4633 and we’ll be happy to book you in for a consult.

Baby on the Way? Your Dental Surgery and Wisdom Teeth Options if You're Pregnant